New Project: cathARTic explorer

Logo of cathARTic project

I have incepted a new project called cathARTic explorer. This is a combination of nature and creativity to reach catharsis for healing, so the pathway is called ‘cathartic explorer’ via cathartic art. Think of this like being an arctic explorer – both dangerous and thrilling at the same time as that is what it feels like to face an uncharted territory. I have been practicing cathartic arts for years and have finally decided to take it up a notch and to inspire others to do the same. No, I don’t hold a degree in art therapy however it is not necessary to have to experience creative catharsis on your own, nor do I need one to share my ideas with others. I have designed a brochure for this project but it also works as stand alone infographics. Below you will find some videos I composed on TikTok. I like to use this platform as a creative expressive outlet as it provides many editing tools, effects, filters and a huge library of music to add to the videos. So essentially, my videos are a form of healing art coming from a mindful baseline.

More about my background

In my training I have learned I need to “walk the talk”, I also need to prove it, and I have. I am not coming from a clinical counselling background but rather a designer who has experienced life-long anxiety challenges. So I feel called to share with others, what helps me.

For the creative, technical and delivery aspect of this project, I pull from all of my academic training: BA in Image Arts, MA in Communication and Technology, Certificates in e-Learning and Digital Media. This is combined with my wellness training: Mental Health Ambassador using the REAL-SF framework, Ecotheraputic Guide focusing on indoor and outdoor sources, Healing with the Arts for addressing the self critic, mindful training: MBSR practices for catharsis, and Reflexology for self-applied tension relief. Additionally, I will integrate my self-directed studies of Scandinavian cultural history and archeology focusing on creating your name with bindrunes for ritual practice. I also have drama and theatre arts production training.

I am a peer-to-peer facilitator in what I practice – cathartic art – using mostly digital technology and handcrafting. I do not provide clinical counselling or treat for mental health disorders as that is not my area of training or expertise. I may however recommend a mental health professional should I feel someone is in need of help.

This training exposé is the backbone for my life’s work and proves my learning commitment and capability to you. Living my life with an anxiety disorder, I have found that through nature and creativity comes an incredible form of relief, enjoyment and purpose. I spent my earlier years as an experimental filmmaker whose films about mental health transited the film festival circuit and independent TV (Hot Docs nominee for Neurofeedback about mental health, Victoria Film Festival gift recipient for Breaching about orca captivity, Canada Arts Council for Sea of Souls about animism, as well Images Film Festival, Zed CBC, Knowledge Network, W Network and others). Visit my past portfolio site for more examples. I have returned to these roots to bring you with me into this uncharted territory, you will find your capabilities are limitless.

Who is this for and what to expect

Various types of mediums and outcomes are possible through this pathway and the process will be delivered both in-person and through e-learning. You will have the opportunity to produce your own cathartic stories through nature art, experimental videos, images, cards, and crafts. See my previous post about the Luna Saga for an example of my own story where you will have full exclusive access to that work through a video version, so you can see the outcome of a 20 years in the making cathartic story. Also, completing my masters thesis helped me to resolve my anxiety with a traumatic situation I faced so that I could finally write my Luna Saga. So from my own personal experience, I feel this pathway could be beneficial for those who want to learn how to creatively bolster digital tools to address stress, fear, grief, self-esteem, discrimination, bullying etc but is open to anyone who wants to manage personal / professional well-being. So to recap:


  1. are not to here to seek clinical counselling and diagnosis
    • but requires listening and compassionate guidance
  2. want to explore natural forms of healing
    • through mindfulness and ecotherapy
  3. are seeking to explore creativity with digital tools
    • using a digital device, Canva, TikTok, YouTube and apps
  4. are looking to tell a cathartic story
    • through image, video, card making
  5. want to establish a ritual routine going forward
    • combining nature, creativity and catharsis

I will employ the following learning strategies: eLearning Infographics. You will be trained in the digital medium(s) of your choice through the process, given the support you need to see it through and fun rituals for going forward. To recap my areas of creative expertise are:

Digital and natural mediums:

  1. image capture through digital device & manipulation with apps
  2. producing experimental videos & vlogs for TikTok and YouTube
  3. blogging with WordPress
  4. collage and (story / oracle / tarot) card production with Canva
  5. nature-based handcrafting


  1. identify creative project goals
  2. establish mindful & nature therapy practice
  3. apply creative and digital tool training
  4. produce cathartic art
  5. implement a personal craft ritual

Prerequisite: Recommended but not required Wellness in the Digital Age

Required: A digital device

Estimated delivery: 2024/2025

Disclaimer: This pathway is intended for adults and is not a diagnosis, treatment or replacement for medical treatment, clinical mental health counselling or art psychotherapy.

Banner photo: Greenland glacier by Maria Peronino ©2023

Below is a collection of creative arts videos and pieces I have made over the last couple of years. I begin with flying over Greenland music video; seeing the landmass first hand was one of the most epic sights I have laid my eyes on and has become the metaphor for this project. From there you can see an example of an intuitively designed bindrune made in nature and different examples and mediums of my cathartic arts. You can see more on my TikTok and YouTube Channels.


Inspired by Icelandic magical staves. But this is assembled intuitively, there’s no message here. I dont practice magic perse, I practice ecotheapy and mindfulness to calm my nervous system. #shadow #vancouverisland #sticks #craft #nature

♬ as the light fades – a vow

I made this story card deck as a prototype book idea, talking about the dreams that I had about Luna, and how I came to know him. It’s somethung I’ve carried for a long time but also took me this long to realize the bigger picture. #cards #handmade #luna #orca #book #storycards #dreams #memoir #saga #mythology

♬ In the Air Tonight – Natalie Taylor

Here’s a glimpse of some of my art therapy. I have not drawn in a while because of tendonitis pain my #arttherapy #art #therapy #healing #expression #creativity #collage #painting #drawing

♬ Autumn Leaves – Timothy Cole

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