Forest Bath Brochure

I designed this forest bathing trifold as a quick reference guide that provides reminders and mindful exercises while in the forest. This brochure also offers a foldout colour photo of a forest bath scenario for visual aid in case it is not possible to access a forest. Looking at a visual of nature is a form of eco therapy and is also effective in calming the nervous system especially while paired with mindful exercises. This would be good to carry while traveling or when dealing with stressful situations. I have added an alternative black and white version that is home printer friendly. Trifold brochures can be professionally printed through Canva; I have used the Canva printing service several times and have been happy with the results. If you need an eye catching brochure like this one, you can get in touch for scope and pricing.

(The neat thing about Canva is that both the designer and the client/team can work together inside of the ecosystem from different locations, streamlining the process. Oh and it’s also fun).

Mindfully Creative Infographic

There are many ways to be creative. I have suggested here just a few that you can get started with. You do not need to be an “artist” or professional of any kind to engage in creativity. I believe we are all creative. The idea is to anchor your mind in the present moment and keep you fully and 100% engaged in the activity. If you find your mind wanders off, acknowledge it and then steer it back to your activity. Being creative is an effective way of staying in the present moment as our brain so easily drifts off into the past and the future. The goal is to leave the “doing” mode (automatic pilot) and be in the “being” mode of the moment, allowing ourselves to rest from stress. Notice how you feel during the process of creating and then how you feel about what you created. Celebrate your results – there is no good or bad results, only the reward of finding out you are creative. In my next post, I will share an example of a digital montage I made using the collage idea.

infographic of mindfully creative

Forest Bath Infographic

Enjoy this infographic I made on forest bathing. If you need an infographic for your project, feel free to reach out.

Forest bathing / eco therapy is a combination of nature walking and mindful practice. From my personal experience, I recommend getting out into green space for a minimum of 1 hour – 3 times a week to feel the overall benefit from forest bathing. Don’t forget to bring a few things along with you: a journal, water, snack, small binocs and a pocket first aid kit. Give thanks to nature when you are finished. If you are unable to get into a physical green space you can also benefit from eco therapy in your home with plants, or with virtual forest bathing.

forest bath infographic