Mindful Digital Collage Exercise

Put aside 1 hour for this but there is no time limit. This activity is meant to keep us in the “being” mode where we can give our mind a break (parasympathetic nervous system) from the stress of always “doing”.

Here is a digital collage I created using Canva. For this exercise, I didn’t have anything in mind, I just placed random images and text onto my canvas. Once complete, I spent time looking at the themes that emerged such as travel, animals, and the colour yellow. While doing this, my mind is present while observing, turning this into a mindful seeing practice. If my mind wanders, I am aware of it and guide my mind back to the image.

Combined in this activity are three practices:

  1. Breathing practice – close your eyes and listen to your breath, observe your body for 10 mins.
  2. Collage practice – drop visuals and text onto your canvas, don’t think too hard just allow yourself to be free and have fun.
  3. Seeing practice – observe your collage for about 5 mins, taking in the themes, colours, patterns and textures.

There are two ways you can approach this exercise:

  1. Breathing > Creating > Seeing
  2. Create > Seeing > Breathing

How to produce a digital collage:

  1. Sign up at Canva.ca for a free account
  2. Select “Create Design” top right hand corner and pick a format
  3. Go to “Elements” located on the left hand side to search for images
  4. Go to “Text” located under Elements to add text and explore fonts and sizes
  5. When finished click “Share” >Download>JPG>Download to save file

Alternatively you can also make a paper collage by cutting and pasting clippings to a sheet of paper or scrapbook. I use the digital format because I don’t have access to clippings to work with.

Be sure to come back to your collage whenever you want to do a seeing practice. You can print it out, move it to your device or place as your computer wallpaper.

There is much more you can do with Canva than I have outlined here but this will get you started and exploring the ecosystem. Have fun and feel free to share your finished collage!

collage of a mindful exercise built in Canva application

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