Mindfully Creative Infographic

There are many ways to be creative. I have suggested here just a few that you can get started with. You do not need to be an “artist” or professional of any kind to engage in creativity. I believe we are all creative. The idea is to anchor your mind in the present moment and keep you fully and 100% engaged in the activity. If you find your mind wanders off, acknowledge it and then steer it back to your activity. Being creative is an effective way of staying in the present moment as our brain so easily drifts off into the past and the future. The goal is to leave the “doing” mode (automatic pilot) and be in the “being” mode of the moment, allowing ourselves to rest from stress. Notice how you feel during the process of creating and then how you feel about what you created. Celebrate your results – there is no good or bad results, only the reward of finding out you are creative. In my next post, I will share an example of a digital montage I made using the collage idea.

infographic of mindfully creative

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